Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am still warning people about doing the red food coloring test on their Berkey water filter.
I am hoping that the man who called a few weeks ago will call back. I would love to talk to him about doing the test.
People are MISquoting me and this needs to stop. All I ever did was ask people to do the test on their Berkey water filters NEVER once did I tell anyone NOT to buy the filters.
I ask people who are selling OR promoting the Berkey water filter to warn the people in their audience just to be on the safe side IN CASE their filters do not work.
I ask Alex Jones, Kelly McGinley, Texe Marrs and the Genesis network to do this simply thing. So far none of these people have paid any attention to me.
It seems to me that the people would be first and their safety verses the money they(the radio shows) are getting for the promotion of the Berkey water filter.
I am hoping that somewhere someone will pay attention to me and test their filter.
IF we are the ONLY people who ever bought the Berkey water filter that DID NOT work then we are happy for this. BUT IF their are people who bought the filter and they do not know for sure that the filter works THEN PLEASE check by doing the red food coloring test.
IF there are other people whose filter did not filter out the red food coloring then PLEASE contact me. Its important to know how many filters that do not work.
Hope many read this and hope many do the simple test it will be for your own safety.

Mary Hostak
1106 E. Jasmine Ave
Frederick, OK

580 335 7158


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