Sunday, July 16, 2006

I am STILL warning people about doing the red food coloring test on their Berkey water filter.
I am hoping that the man who called here will call back. I would love to talk to you about doing the test.
People are MISquoting me and PLEASE stop this. ALL I ever ask was for people to do the test to see IF their filter was working properly. I NEVER told anyone not to buy the Berkey.
If all the people I ask would simply do as I ask them then thousands of people could have ALREADY been reached and would have by now done the simply red food coloring test to see if their filter works.
I e mailed Kelly McGinley, Alex Jones, the Genesis network and Texe Marrs. I just ask them to tell their audience to check the filters. After all these people advertise the selling of the Berkey water filter WHY would they not also warn people to do the simple test???
To me peoples health is the most important thing NOT the money that is paid for advertising the Berkey filter.
IF we are the ONLY people who bought the NOT working filters then that makes us happy. BUT if there are other filters that are NOT working then people are being put in danger by the filter not working properly.
Some where someone will take this warning serious and will surely test their filter. That is ALL I want, check your filter.
I will post another warning again. Thank you for taking time to read this.

Mary Hostak
Frederick, Oklahoma
580 335 7158


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